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44309 Wysłany: 13 Gru 09 22:36 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Odcinków Farmerki Fran zostało nam jeszcze około 70. I mam co do tego prośbe.Jako że Buli zaczynał ze mną od samego początku zwroty które się powtarzają są użyte z jego tłumaczenia. Dlatego taki początek jak "Remember what we were talking about yesterday..." który powtarza się co drugi odcinek jest użyty z jego wersji więc uprzejmie proszę aby nie zmieniać już tego.Nie musicie poprawiać swojego tłumaczenia, mówie na przyszłość.Kolejną część podam dopiero jutro.Dzisiaj już do łóżek ;) hehe
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44303 Wysłany: 13 Gru 09 14:04 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Mam kolejną uwagę.W waszych tłumaczeniach nie może być mniej lub więcej zdań. Nie wolno skracać.Nie chodzi mi tu o znaki tylko ile jest kropek w tekscie tyle ma byc w waszych tlumaczeniach.Mam nadzieje że wiecie o co mi chodzi.Podaje kolejna część.

PS. Wiedzieliście o tym co jest napisane w ostatnim punkcie???? Bo ja nie.


1.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""Remember what we were talking about yesterday...""Oh yes, so tell me...what did you do with the King that you caught?""I tried to bring it home, but it was too big and too heavy.""So you released it back to the sea?""Yeah, but first i made a fish print to commemorate the catch.""Is that so? Show me.""OK."
2.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""When I was fishing in the ocean last summer I caught a big squid-like thing that was different from the normal fish.""It's probably one of Kings that live in the ocean.I think you can only catch that squid in summer.More over, you can't catch it unless you cast a Small Fish as bait!""One of the Kings?You mean there are other fish like that?""I've heard you don't need special bait for the other Kings... But I don't know anything else about the subject. Anyway, what did you do with the King that you caught?""I'll talk about it tomorrow.""Hey, that's my line...!"
3.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""About the hothouse... Is there anything else different compared to narmal fields?""I don't know if I would call it a difference, but there are certain seeds that you can only grow inside the hothouse.""Then there are some seeds I can't know about unless I get a hothouse.""That's right."
4.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""What is a hothouse?""It's kind of like an indoor field, built by carpenters.""You mean it's the same as a regular field, except inside a building?""Well, it's a little different.""In what way?""I'll tell you tomorrow.""I haven't heard you say that in a while..."
5.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""I have a lot more fish in the Fish Pond!""Well, I guess you've been feeding them properly.""Yeah, and now I have enough to make more Sashimi.""Oh, do you know how to make Sashimi?""Yes, a villager taught me.All you need is a fish, so it's very easy.""That's true. But let me tell you this: When you want to take a fish out from the Fish Pond, just go close to the Pond and press the "x" button.""OK."
6.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""Is there anything else that I can do when the horse grows up?""Hmmmm... I can't think of anything other than the saddlebag and riding.""Oh.""But let me tell you how to take care of yours horse.Riding makes happy, and it's a good idea to brush it everyday. On rainy days you should keep it inside, just like the other animals. Otherwise, it will get in a bad mood.""OK, got it!"
7.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""Remember what we were talking about yesterday...""About large horses, right?Well, once they grow up you can also ride them.""What good is that?""Well, you can enter the Local Horse Race if you want.""Oh, wow! If I think my horse is fast then I could enter the race and place a lot of bets on myself and maybe win a lot of medals...""That's right!"
8.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""Remember what we were talking about yesterday...""About what you can do with a grown-up horse, right?Well, first of all, if you have a large horse then you can use its Saddlebag.""What's that?""It's a bag on the horse that works just like the Bin. If you put crops in the saddle bag they will be ready for shipment, just like when you put things in the Bin.""That means I don't have to keep filling my rucksack and carrying things over to the Bin all the time!""That's right!"
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44302 Wysłany: 13 Gru 09 10:36 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Oczywiście zapraszam Domka. 4 czy 10 żeby jak najwięcej.To odciążysz trochę pozostałych jeśli Twoje tłumaczenia będą dobre
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44300 Wysłany: 13 Gru 09 10:30 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Mam pytanko.Potrzebuje znaleźć tą książkę ."Picture Book of People - Vol. 2 of 3" . Ktoś ma do niej dostęp bo w bibliotece nie mogę jej znaleźć?
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44297 Wysłany: 13 Gru 09 09:26 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Wydaje mi się że Opening Day możemy przetłumaczyć na Dzień Otwarcia, natomiast Noworoczne Specjalne Wydanie Programu zmieniłem już dawno bo mi nie odpowiadało i nazywa się Specjalny Program Noworoczny
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44295 Wysłany: 13 Gru 09 08:57 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
No Panowie i Panie.Mam parę uwag,otóż pisałem wcześniej że znakami możecie się już nie przejmować.Mimo że we wcześniejszym poście nie napisałem w nawiasach ile macie dodatkowo znaków, bo już mi się to znudziło.Praktycznie po każdym zdaniu macie sporą ilość znaków do wykorzystania.To po pierwsze, a po drugie.Czepiacie się ortografii ale nie ma po co.Znam bardzo dobrze ortografie więc nie myślcie sobie że tylko Maciuska błędy popełnia.Na pewno jak widzę błąd, a jeśli jest to go znajdę i wpiszę do programu poprawnie.To po drugie, a po trzecie.Proszę nie krytykować czyjegoś tłumaczenia typu: "jest do bani" , "co za głupie tłumaczenie" ! Ludzie!!!Ślepy nie jestem i jeśli rzeczywiście tłumaczenie będzie denne to się nie martwcie bo nie wstawię.Chodźby to było jedyne to będę czekał tak długo aż pokaże się wersja kogoś innego albo sam przetłumaczę w sposób dla mnie bardziej odpowiedni.Natomiast tak jak mówiłem już to wcześniej mile widziane są poprawki czyjegoś tłumaczenia np. "Drugi punkt mi nie pasuje. Ja bym napisał to tak..." . A już broń Cię Panie Boże żebym na tym forum przeczytał krytykę osoby która w ogóle nie zajmuje się tłumaczeniem.Proszę się nie zniechęcać wzajemnie tylko wspierać.Przed nami długa droga do finału. I jeszcze ostatnia uwaga... Musicie uważnie czytać moje teksty. Wiem że ta telenowela z Franką jest nudna jak cholera ale czasami się zapędzacie. Twoje tłumaczenie Buli, VIII część, punkt 9. Wydaje mi się że chyba coś jest tam nie tak, sprawdź sobie. Pozdrawiam
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44286 Wysłany: 12 Gru 09 20:12 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
A i nawiązując do wcześniejszych tłumaczeń. Uznałem że zamiast cieplarni lepsze po prostu będzie słowo Szklarnia.Nie musicie robić poprawek do wcześniejszych części, mówie tylko na przyszłość
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44285 Wysłany: 12 Gru 09 20:10 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Zamykam część IX. Zapraszam do tłumaczenia następnej, X części. Odetchniemy troche od farmerki fran.Pozdrawiam


1.Alright, here's the explanation. You advance forward by pressing the "x" button.If you run out of breath, rest by depressing the "/" button. Rick is waiting at the goal, so do your best and swim all the way to there.
2.Day 1 of Summer. Today from the morning Opening Day will be held at the Beach. Enjoy swimming together.
3.Day 29 of Spring.It will soon be Summer. And Summer means the Ocean.Opening Day is on the 1st day of Summer. Enjoy swimming together.
4.New Year's Special TV: Polar Bear Swim""Happy New Year everyone. Today we're going to go for a swim in the coldest season of the year! ...We planned to, that is but all of our guests seem to have run away... Sorry, but it looks like we have to cancel the program. See you again next year! Good-bye.
5."It's time for What's Your Passion?! I'm your host, Justa Hasbin.""And I'm Mako Mizuta.""So, we'll start off with a letter. Hello. A few days ago I found a jellyfish at the pet shop. Since then I've been hooked on jellyfish. I've fallen in love with it. ...This is from somebody with the penname Namako. Hmmmmm, jellyfish huh? The only thing that comes to mind when I think about jellyfish is that they sting real bad. But I guess jellyfish are becoming popular.""Jellyfish swimming in the ocean are a beautiful sight.""Oh, really?""And the way they swim so effortlessly soothes the soul.""I guess they're like an oasis for the heart. Their effortless motion is needed in today's world. Well, we'll see you next week.""Good-bye."
6.Village Festivals - 2 - | Opening Day" This village holds an opening day ocean festival on the 1st day of Summer. In this festival, young men participate in a swim race. There appear to be no particular rules, but the "thrash" seems to be the most popular swim style. Swimming in the ocean is hard work, so the men are all very serious. This ocean race is quite difficult, and you must take many small breaths or you will tire and have difficulty reaching the finish line. My friend the swimmer says: "It is better to take short small breaths when long-distance swimming." But for us amateurs, it is hard to keep pace even over short distances. It is better not to wait until you can't hold your breath any longer. It is not good for your body to hold your breath for so long.
7.I'm not participating. There's no beach where I grew up, you see, so I can't swim.
8.You're swimming too, aren't you? Well then hurry up and change your clothes.
9.Oh, now I want to swim too.
10.Was it fun? It feels good swiming in the sea, doesn't it.
11.Humph, your a pretty good swimmer. Gray didn't do well at all.
12.You're soooo fast! Teach me how to swim like that, OK. Starting with how to breathe.
13.Starting tomorrow I'm going to swim here too.
14.Congratulations. Looks like you've been swimming for years.
15.Wow, you're a great swimmer. I'm impressed.
16.Did you bring your swim suit?
17.I always recommend people swim for their health.
18.It's the ocean, so it's not as easy as swimming in a lake. Be careful.
19.I'm good at swimming, too. But I can only do the dog padle.
20.Power is important in swimming, but you also need technique. I won't be beaten by youngsters.
21.Good luck. I want to swim too, but I can't see well without my glasses.
22.I'm not supposed to swim in the ocean yet.
23.I'll be waiting for you at the finish line. Do your best to swim all the way there.
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44284 Wysłany: 12 Gru 09 16:14 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Rzeczywiście nazwa też mi ise podoba tylko że pomysł przysedł za poźno. Musiał bym wszystkie zdania zmieniac gdzie wystepuje nazwa Harvest Sprites.W sumie może dużo ich nie ma ale jest dużo tłumaczenia przed nami.Jak całą grę przetłumaczymy poźniej będę robił jeszcze jakieś poprawki to może zmienie

Ostatnio edytowany Sobota, 12 Grudnia 2009, w całości zmieniany 1 raz(y).
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44281 Wysłany: 12 Gru 09 14:11 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
No właśnie będę musiał o tym poczytać.Będzie trzeba edytować "Loading" itp ale to pozniej
pepe345 Użytkownik jest offline
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44279 Wysłany: 12 Gru 09 14:04 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Ja jeszcze tłumacze. Kręgosłup mnie boli od tego siedzenia. Musze sobie robić przerwy co jakis czas.Nastepna czesc dam dopiero wieczorem, wybaczcie...
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44269 Wysłany: 12 Gru 09 09:15 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
No to mamy szczescie naprawde ze miedzy farmerze a farmerko nie ma roznicy znakow bo bym musial zmieniac cale dotychczasowe tlumaczenie
pepe345 Użytkownik jest offline
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44266 Wysłany: 11 Gru 09 21:12 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Przy takiej małej ilości to niech kazdy tłumaczy sam.To że jedna osoba napisze to nie znaczy że bede tylko na niej się wzorował.Rozpatruje wszystkie i wybieram najlepsze teksty
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44264 Wysłany: 11 Gru 09 20:47 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Wiecie co???Ta Fran to bardzo możliwe że jest kobietą. O ile pamiętam w Final Fantasy XII też jest bohaterka o imieniu Fran
pepe345 Użytkownik jest offline
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44263 Wysłany: 11 Gru 09 20:44 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Musicie to rozstrzygnąć. Bo jutro tłumacze. A tu macie niespodzianke. Część VIII zamknięta i tłumaczyć IX ;)
Nie martwić się o znaki. Jest ich dużo w rezerwie


1.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""Remember what we were talking about yesterday...""About the hothouse, right?It's true that it can be destroyed by bad weather, but it will never suffer damage in the Spring and Fall.So it is safe to grow unseasonal crops in the hothouse during those seasons.""You say it won't be destroyed in the Spring and Fall, but what about Summer?""In the Summer it can be destroyed by a hurricane.""That makes the hothouse sound even less useful...""Well, I'll talk more about it tomorrow."
2.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""I heard that the hothouse could be destroyed in a bad snowstorm...""Yes, that can happen, but you never know when.""If the hothouse is destroyed, what will happen to the crops inside?""They will all be destroyed.""Wow... You need a lot of money and lumber to build a hothouse.If it gets destroyed, all that money and lumber would have been for nothing.""I'll talk about that tomorrow."
3.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""I heard there can be major snowstorms in the Winter...""Yes, it can be dreadful.You can't go outside during such snowstorm, just like during a hurricane, so you can't take care of your animals, and the fields and fences can be destroyed.""Is there nothing I can do?""Well, you can't change the weather, but you can ask the Harvest Sprites to take care of your animals.""Then I really should make good friends with the Harvest Sprites!"
4.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""Remember what we were talking about yesterday...""About the mines, right?Today I'll tell you how to dig.You can dig for items in the mine using your Hoe.The place where you dig changes color like the soil does when you till in your fields, so it's easy to see where you've already dug in the mine. Don't waste your time digging in the same place twice. If something is there it will show up the first time.""So I should try to dig in another place if nothing is unearthed right away!"
5.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""Remember what we were talking about yesterday...""About the mines, right?Well today I'm going to tell you about the Holes that appear when you dig in the mines. When you enter a Hole you can move down to a lower level. Deeper down you can find rarer metals, so enter Holes as soon as you find them.""How do I get back up?""Don't worry. There are ladders to get back up.""Then it's easy to go up and down in the mine."
6.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""Remember what we were talking about yesterday...""About the mine, right?Well, first let me tell you that there are actually two mines. One mine is back behind the hot spring in the mountain.""Opposite the waterfall.""That's correct.And the other mine is on the small island across the lake in the mountain.""But I can't go into that lake!""Yes, but it gets so cold in Winter that the lake freezes over, and then you can walk right out to the island and the mine.""Wow, cool...!"
7.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""I did my homework.""Oh, Yes. So, what are you going to do this Winter?""I'm going to dig for metal ore at the mine.""Very good. Should I tell you a little about the mine, then?""Yes!""First I'll tell you where the mine is located.""...But it's going to be tomorrow...""Good guess!""Sigh..."
8.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""Taking up where we left off yesterday, are there any other good things to do during Winter?""Well...since you can't use your fields, it's a good time to level up your tools.And you can also go and make friends in the village.""Wow, there are lots of things to do in Winter...""So, what are your plans for the season?""Let's make that your homework assignment for tomorrow.""OK."
9.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""You said I can't grow crops during Winter, so I'll have lots of time for other things.Do you have any suggestions for what I can do?""Hmm, let's see...How about digging for metal ore at the mine?""That reminds me...I've never even been to the mine...""And in Winter you have luxury of fishing all day long.""That sounds good too..."
10.Life on the Farm."Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran!""Yes, Jimmy?""I heard that no crops grow in the Winter. Is that true?""Yes, it's true. Everything dies except the crops you grow in the hothouse.""Then the only thing I need to do on the farm is take care of the animals?""Yes, I suppose that's right...So you will have lots of time to try other things.""Yeah, OK."

Ostatnio edytowany Piątek, 11 Grudnia 2009, w całości zmieniany 1 raz(y).
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