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pepe345 Użytkownik jest offline
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44785 Wysłany: 07 Sty 10 08:32 • Temat postu: Back to Nature
Na to wszystko już gdzieś są odpowiedzi. Wystarczy tylko jako nowy użytkownik forum troche pozwiedzać. Nie to że Cię karcę, wręcz przeciwnie fajnie że jesteś z nami. Ale na początek, wiem że to może być nudne, to przeczytaj regulamin tego forum bo szybko możesz skończyć ostrzeżeniem od Admina. Pozdrawiam
PS. Myślę że dział artykuły na pewno Cię zainteresuje, tam wszystko jest
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44731 Wysłany: 03 Sty 10 13:30 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
No nic się nie stało. A tak na przyszłość to przyjmijmy że kiedy tekst mówi o "Her story" to osoba która opowiada to "ona". A kiedy "His story" to osobą opowiadającą jest "on". To tak w nawiązaniu do tego kiedy Buli nie wiedział kto jest osobą mówiącą w danej chwili
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44725 Wysłany: 03 Sty 10 11:45 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Buli, zacząłem tłumaczyć pierwszy punkt ostatniej częśći którą wstawiłem i chyba coś mi nie pasuje? Zjadłeś chyba dwa zdania albo niepotrzebnie tak skróciłeś.Czekam na poprawke. To dzisiaj wstawie nową część
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44659 Wysłany: 30 Gru 09 15:01 • Temat postu: emulator PCSX2
Ale ta Panienka chce chyba emulator ps2 a nie psx-a. Musisz ustawić plugin Dvd-r na taki który odpali grę z napędu jeśli masz płyte lub plugin który odpali obraz gry z dysku.W tym drugim przypadku trzeba grę załadować albo w pluginie jeśli jest taka możliwość lub ustawić z którego napędu ma grę odpalić, ale wcześniej trzeba ściągnąć taki mały programik Deamon tools i załadować do niego gre z formatem iso. Jak już wszystko zrobisz wystarczy nacisnąc na uruchom z cd czy jakoś tak. Nie pamiętam. I działa. Ale uprzedzam że emulator pcsx2 jest bardzo wymagający. Na swoim komputerze procesor intel 8500 2x3.16 , 2gb ramu i kartą graficzną geforce 8600GT 1024mb i na directx10 z systemem operacyjnym windows7 grałem bez problemu w FFX i pare innych gier. Ale PES2010 już nie chciał.Ciął sie niesamowicie
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44658 Wysłany: 30 Gru 09 14:51 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Ale ta kwestia jest już dawno obgadana i poprawiona
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44617 Wysłany: 29 Gru 09 08:50 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
No niby tak. Ale tak ciężko mi do tego wracać. Spróbuje dzisiaj albo jutro. A jak mi się nie uda, to po Nowym Roku w poniedziałek bo teraz w środe wieczorem wracam na wieś do ojczystych ziem
pepe345 Użytkownik jest offline
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44538 Wysłany: 24 Gru 09 10:54 • Temat postu: [BTN] poradnik : zarobek w kopalni ;] (emulator)
Wydaje mi się że nie ma sensu dłużej dyskutować na ten temat bo jest kontrowersyjny. Każdy może odebrać ten sposób gry...hmmm...w rózny sposób
pepe345 Użytkownik jest offline
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44516 Wysłany: 23 Gru 09 14:53 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
W czwartym punkcie jest limit. Nie przekroczcie


1.The Fairy and Me. Her Story. Chapter 12. "......""......" We walked in silence. Gosh... I suppose I should talk to him about something... It's snowing now, so maybe I'll tell him about the time that I found the the puppy. So, I told him the story about that day. "Snowy days like this remind me of the time..." We walked for a while, talking, actually I talked and he listened, and then I saw his apartment. Oh, we've already reached his home... To be continued
2.The Fairy and Me. Hist Story. Chapter 5. "So now...what are you going to do?" About what? "Are you going to borrow the book to read it at home, or are you going to come here everyday to read it? You have two choices." Hey, wait a second... I didn't say I was going to read it all... "But you are going to read it, right? If you are going to borrow it, just write your name and classroom on the card inserted here she shows me thae back of the book and give it to me." This was the first time I ever talked with Crystal, so I was a little puzzled. But she didn't seem to have any problems and continued talking... "What are you going to do?" I took out the card and wrote down my classroom and name. To be continued...
3."Mechabot Ultror on Summer vacation" Turn on the lights when you watch TV and be careful not to get too close to the screen. Episode 21 - A Weakness. "There may be a way to hurt this white mist.""What did you say?""First, reacall when Yellow was attacked. When Red tried to touch it, his hand was all cut up, but Yellow's feet were unharmed...""I see, so you are saying that it won't hurt us if we can reach it from the inside?""That's exactly right. But there's a slight problem..." To be continued... What is the problem that Blue is talking about? And will they be able to over come it? Next time: Mechabot Ultror on Summer Vacation, Episode 22 - The Problem. See you next time!
4."This is our local feature show. Today, we are continuing coverage on the peace ceremony in Kamaora. ...Luckman...can you hear me?""Yes, this is Luckman.""Oh, you're talking normally now.""Yes""...And the situation?""Well, first we'd like to roll the rest of that interview...""No, no. That's OK. Can you just tell us the Situation?""Right now, the Kamaora youth are singing.""What? Still singing?""Yes, it is considered rude to not sing in return to the other town.""So, they've been singing since...""Yes, that's right. And they've only finished three songs.""And what if the ceremony is interrupted?""Then that would be considered an insult to the other side and war would break out immediately.""Does that mean this doesn't end...""Oh, another person passed out!""...What kind of a ceremony is this...""Yes' it's not going to end. The people who are listening cannot sleep or eat, or even go included...!""Luckman! I think I understand now why the two villages have never settled their dispute. Good-bye, Luckman." (W tym punkcie niestety jest limit, nie możecie przekroczyć ilości znaków od oryginału)
5.Grandma's been talking happily about your visit since yesterday.
6.He'll be OK. It's just a cold."...what a relief..."Don't worry. He'll be fine after I give him this shot."Please hurry.He looks so uncomfortable."You are usually so calm about everything, but here with your child you really..."Stop talking and help him!!
7.Congratulations, Elli. I know you've been talking about having a child for a long time."Y, yes.
8.What are you talking about?Today is _ birthday. I hate you!
9.Come on, Karen. Get yourself together!"...Shut up! Who's talking, anyway?"I don't understand you at all! Enough is enough!
10.What...what? What's that, budum?"Oh's talking! P...please come over here."What's wrong, budum?
11.Oh, you were talking about this monkey..."He came down from the mountain by accident recently...I guess I should take him back because he seems to be bothering people.
12.People have begun talking about sudden attacks when they walk around here at night. I'm asking the victims for descriptions."But everybody describes something different because it was dark...
13.I'm sorry for talking this way... I don't mean to trouble you.
14.Everyone is talking about you, Rick. Since Popuri left you've stopped doing any work on the Poultry Farm."Now that she's gone I don't feel like doing anything."Popuri was your favorite and the most important person in your life..."That's not true. I like you the best. After that comes Popuri mother too..."Is that so?...Well..."What!?...Me!...Then I'm going to help on the Poultry Farm! Anyhow, my parents can run the Supermarket."What are you talking about?You don't have to do that."It's OK, It's OK...Lillia talked to me about it, anyway.
15.Here's a snack."Thanks. You're always so kind."You're welcome. ...Dad is very insistent that I bring food to you."Yeah, well that's good, because I don't have a chance to talk with you at the Inn."............"But I spend all my time working at the Inn si I don't know any good stories... I must be boring to talk to."No you're not. I like talking with you more than anything."I...I need to go home!!
16.Cliff, how long are you going to stay here?"I...haven't decided yet."Then stay here forever."......"...Hahaha, of course, you can't stay forever... You have somebody waiting for you..."W-what am I talking about!'s just that it's quiet without customers..."There's no one waiting for me...anymore..."I'm sorry... But then, why not stay here forever? Of course, it might be boring for you in this village because there aren't many things to do, but..."This is a nice place...only...I can't be happy here alone... Sorry. sorry.
17.What are you talking about?"It's a private matter."Oh, Dad."Hi. I'm Ann. Nice to meet you.
18.Do you cook? Well then, let me teach you how to make "Ohitashi" greens. Make sure you remember this.Write it down if you have a piece of paper so you don't forget. Me write it down? No, I like talking, so let me give you a verbal expanation. Are you ready? What you do is boil spinach in a pot, and then season it with soy sauce.It's easy? You say you can remember without writing it down? Oh, I didn't mean to imply you're dimor anything. Actually, I surprised myself at how quickly I finished talking.
19.Oh, good afternoon. I often come here to the square when I have time to kill. I seldom have much free time, but I love places where people gather. It's fun to listen to other people's stories, isn't it? ...What's that look for? Of course I listen to's just that you don't speak so I have to do all the talking!
20.Oh, hello. I was just talking with Anna. Before she moved here she lived in a town close to where my daughter lives now. Naturally I worry about how she's doing and what she's doing.
21.Well, Gotz built the house and on the following day, Kai painted it all white! Everybody says he's strange...Whan Carter came to the village, people didn't know what to think. But Kai's way of talking rankled all the men in the village. Duke gets mad when I say Kai's a good kid! You know how men are with their pride...
22.Do you mind if I keep talking? Well anyway, I feel lonely too, so I talk with people to get things off my mind, although of course the loneliness that I feel because my daughter's not here could never be relieved by just talking. It'd be different if she'd gotten married bu... Oh, you came here on your own, didn't you? Why was that...?
23.Manna likes talking so much, it's hard to just buy wine, isn't it?But please forgive her. She gets lonesome.
pepe345 Użytkownik jest offline
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44511 Wysłany: 23 Gru 09 10:18 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
No właśnie. Brać się do roboty. Teksty będę dodawał bo jak do tej pory wszystko idzie bardzo dobrze.Małe poprawki mi zostaną na koniec jak już skończymy.
pepe345 Użytkownik jest offline
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44502 Wysłany: 22 Gru 09 16:45 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Kolejną część podam dopiero jutro. Przepraszam że tak wolno ale idą święta i w pracy nie mam wolnego czasu. Wkrótce przyśpieszymy . Pozdrawiam
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44477 Wysłany: 21 Gru 09 14:31 • Temat postu: [BTN] poradnik : zarobek w kopalni ;] (emulator)
Uważam że dobre rozwiązanie dla osób które w szybki sposób chcą zdobyć gotówke, aczkolwiek z drugiej strony jak dla mnie brak satysfakcji z gry.Podchodzi to pod CHEAT. Ale jeśli ktoś powtarza festiwale to niech się nie przejmuje bo to jest to samo
pepe345 Użytkownik jest offline
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44474 Wysłany: 21 Gru 09 14:20 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Kolejna część. Gorące źródła


1.Something wrapped up as a gift. What's inside is a... Spa-boiled egg. Cook this by placing an egg in the hot spring. You can both eat it and sell it.
2."Waterfall" ... They say a Fairy Goddess lives here. "Mine" ... You can dig up all sorts of things here. "Hot Spring" ... Sitting in the hot spring re-energizes and revitalizes you. And you can cook spa-boiled eggs in the water.
3.A number of eggs submerged in the hot spring...
4.Mineral hot spring. Woodcutter's house. The base of Mothers Hill
5."Creatures of the Mountain - 1 - Mountain Animals". Many animals live in the mountain near my village. Rabbits and squirrels and even foxes live there. People say that monkeys sometimes share the hot spring with the people of the village.
6."Mountain Harvest - Seasons". In the Spring, you can gather bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest near the hot springs on the mountain. Like the hot spring, the banboo forest is public property so anyone can harvest there.
7."Hiking the Mountain - 1 ". I go mountain hiking once a week with my family to look for plants. There is a hot spring in the mountain that the villagers are free to use. Last time I went there I was surprised to find eggs in the hot spring, but a farmer and a little girl told me this was a good way to boil eggs.
8.What are you doing here...? Monkeys are in the hot spring? Oh, my goodness. I can't take a bath with them...
9.I get a stiff neck writing my novel, so I come to relax in the hot spring. The water has various effects you know.
10.Were you at the hot spring? I'm on my way there now.
11.Oh, what a coincidence. I feel I'm going up to take a hot spring bath and rest for a while.
12.Oh! ...What are you doing here? I came to take a bath in the hot spring. See you.
13.I'll drop by the Mayor's house before I go to the hot spring on Monday... This snow doesn't look like it's going to stop.
14.But I don't like the hot spring! It's too hot.
15.Today is the day Grandpa goes to the hot spring.
16.I don't think May likes going in the hot spring. She always waits for me by the waterfall.
17.Oh, what's cooking? Are you going to the hot spring too?
18.Well, you can't argue with nature... I guess I'll give up on the hot spring and get on home... May is waiting for me, anyway.
19.Ahhhhhhh. There's nothing like a hot spring. What a luxury to live near one!
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44448 Wysłany: 19 Gru 09 23:01 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Krótko o pogodzie. Część XX


1.Here's tomorrow's weather forecast! Expect a large snowstorm. Secure your doors and windows! Put your animals in the barn!
2.Here's tomorrow's weather forecast! There will be snow. Bundle up so you don't catch a cold.
3.Here's tomorrow's weather forecast! Rain from the morning and a little chilly.
4.Here's tomorrow's weather forecast! It will be a wonderfully crisp and clear Fall day.
5.Here's tomorrow's weather forecast! A hurricane is heading right this way! Secure you doors and windows!Put your animals in the barn!
6.Here's tomorrow's weather forecast! Clouds and rain developing from tonight through the morning. Tomorrow will be rainy all day.
7.Here's tomorrow's weather forecast! Fair all day, and maybe even getting a little hot.
8.Here's tomorrow's weather forecast! Rain developing from the morning and lasting throughout the day.
9.Here's tomorrow's weather forecast! Clear blue skies from the morning.

Ostatnio edytowany Sobota, 19 Grudnia 2009, w całości zmieniany 1 raz(y).
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44421 Wysłany: 18 Gru 09 22:56 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Jutro podam dopiero kolejna część. Pzdrawiam... Spryciarza przede wszystkim ;)
pepe345 Użytkownik jest offline
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44395 Wysłany: 18 Gru 09 07:45 • Temat postu: [BTN] Tłumaczymy Harvest Moon BTN
Ty spryciarzu ;)
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