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Podójne plony ?!
Kruszek Użytkownik jest offline
Postów: 305
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6271 Wysłany: 25 Sie 05 10:27 • Temat postu: Podójne plony ?!
latalem po stronach o HM FOMT i znalazlem to:
"Starting with Year 5, then every 5 years after that (eg: Y5, Y10, Y15, etc.) visit the Peak of Mother's Hill on Fall 10 between 6PM and midnight to activate a serect event called the Shooting Star Event. Make the wish to double profits (option 3). The day will end. You then have until 5PM to ship as many things as you can. When Zack comes, he'll double your profits for Fall 11.
NOTE: Fall 10 MUST be sunny, or the event won't activate."

co chyba oznacza ze co 5 lat mozemy miec 2 razy drozszeplony tylko 11 dnia jesieni i poprzedni dzien musial byc sloneczny


emos !
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