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corrida18 Użytkownik jest offline
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49382 Wysłany: 20 Lut 12 16:48 • Temat postu: [BTN] Kwiaty od Won'a i wędka.
Aktualnie w drugim bo braciszek mi zniszczył konto na tamtym miałam 7 rok
corrida18 Użytkownik jest offline
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49380 Wysłany: 19 Lut 12 17:32 • Temat postu: [BTN] Kwiaty od Won'a i wędka.
Właśnie, też staram się o Karen już mam czerwone co prawda ale narazie ślubu nie chce
Ja wybrałam trzecie, że nie mam problemów Pierwsze to, że masz problemy na farmie a drugie, że kochasz życie
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49376 Wysłany: 19 Lut 12 09:55 • Temat postu: [BTN] Śluby innych par :)
Mam pytanie, jak kiedyś grałam rano zostałam przeniesiona na ślub Kai'a i Popuri A byłam już po ślubie bodajże.
Dlaczego tak się stało? Czy to dlatego, że to moja jakaś rodzina czy dlatego, że po prostu mnie lubili?
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49374 Wysłany: 19 Lut 12 09:52 • Temat postu: [BTN] Kwiaty od Won'a i wędka.
Wystarczy jedno poletko
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49373 Wysłany: 19 Lut 12 09:51 • Temat postu: [BTN] Kwiaty od Won'a i wędka.
Jeżeli chodzi o kwiaty to musisz kupić je u WONA. Jest on w gospodzie od 13:00 do 15:00 lub 16:00
I pamiętaj, że musisz kupić odpowiednie kwiaty do pory roku, posadź je a gdy urosną rano będziesz miał już miód

A jeżeli chodzi o wędkę to musisz przyjść na molo od bodajże 7:00 do 10:00 rano lub na wieczór w dni takie jak piątek, sobota, niedziela
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49370 Wysłany: 18 Lut 12 15:24 • Temat postu: PSX - LASER
"tsubasa" napisał(a):
Moim zdaniem to może być laser - proponowałbym najpierw najmniej inwazyjną opcję, a mianowicie wyczyszczenie go, bo może być zabrudzony.

Całą konsolę rozbierałam i wszystko czyściłam to można było.. i jednak po paru godzinach odpoczynku znów zaczął chodzić. Kiedyś tak nie miałam, ale teraz zauważyłam, że konsola po trzech godzinach grania zacina się tak, że trzeba resetować i odczekać z półtorej godziny, ale później dalej można grać...
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49369 Wysłany: 18 Lut 12 15:20 • Temat postu: [BTN] Miłość Harrisa :)
Przepraszam, że wmawiałam Wam, że niemożliwe żebym tej scenki nie miała, bo jednak miałam! Chodziłam w dzień w dzień do Harrisa z produktami i w końcu ją miałam A jeżeli chodzi o Gray'a to do niego też ciągle chodziłam, ale tej już nie miałam
corrida18 Użytkownik jest offline
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49362 Wysłany: 15 Lut 12 17:58 • Temat postu: [BTN] Miłość Harrisa :)
Tak samo z historyjką 'NARZĘDZIA GRAY'A" Słyszałam, że parę osób ją miało, ale ja oczywiście nie.

"...a generalnie bez krzty sprytu w niektórych sytuacjach i bez znajomości języka o 100% nie ma co marzyć ;D"

Na jednym profilu przegrałam 9 lat w grze, miałam dostęp do wszystkich pomieszczeń u mieszkańców, nie możliwe że tej scenki mi nie odblokowali, a język znam na tyle, żeby się w grze połapać.

Ostatnio edytowany Środa, 15 Lutego 2012, w całości zmieniany 2 raz(y).
corrida18 Użytkownik jest offline
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49361 Wysłany: 15 Lut 12 17:45 • Temat postu: PSX - LASER
PSX. Model konsoli: SCPH 5552

Dzisiaj zagrałam w HM BTN ;) I po 4 godzinach gry po prostu zacięła mi się, gdy wchodziłam do innego pomieszczenia w grze. Czekałam z 15 min bo myślałam, że jednak zacznie chodzić, ale nic. A więc wyłączyłam i znów włączyłam i zamiast wczytać grę weszło mi na kartę pamięci a jak wiadomo dzieje się tak gdy nie ma w środku płyty a była. To wzięłam inną grę i zrobiłam to samo co przed i sytuacja była taka sama, dlatego pomyślałam, że to nie płyty wina tylko może lasera, bo płyty bez żadnej ryski są. No i właśnie chciałam zapytać czy to na pewno laser się zepsuł czy może coś innego?

Mam nadzieję, że na ten temat mi odpiszecie
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49321 Wysłany: 06 Lut 12 16:21 • Temat postu: Skad wziasc Truffle ?
corrida18 Użytkownik jest offline
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49320 Wysłany: 06 Lut 12 16:21 • Temat postu: Skad wziasc Truffle ?
ajj przepraszam dopiero teraz zobaczyłam, że to nie BNT a jak w FOMT jest to nie wiem
corrida18 Użytkownik jest offline
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49319 Wysłany: 06 Lut 12 15:42 • Temat postu: Skad wziasc Truffle ?
truffli nie ma za kościołem... tylko są koło kopalni zimowej
corrida18 Użytkownik jest offline
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49317 Wysłany: 05 Lut 12 16:28 • Temat postu: [BTN] Miłość Harrisa :)
Wiem o tym tylko, że ja już mu tyle prezentów po przynosiłam, w urodziny i nie tylko, że nie wiem jakim cudem dalej tej historyjki nie miałam. Wszystkie inne miałam, ale tej nigdy, a grę zaczynałam nawet z 20 razy ;]
corrida18 Użytkownik jest offline
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49313 Wysłany: 04 Lut 12 19:12 • Temat postu: [BTN] Miłość Harrisa :)
kurcze... ja już gram z 10 lat w Harvesta i nigdy do mnie nie przyszedł
corrida18 Użytkownik jest offline
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49272 Wysłany: 15 Sty 12 13:12 • Temat postu: HM [BTN]
Kiepska jestem z angielskiego a chyba nie ma w internecie dobrych tłumaczy... czy mógłby mi ktoś to przetłumaczyć?

Character Events

Pay Your Bill
Year: 1
Season: Spring
Day: Any
Time: Any
Location: Supermarket

Description: The first random event that you will encounter in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is in the Supermarket. The first time you visit the Supermarket, you will notice some other villagers purchasing goods from Jeff, the storekeeper, but they are not paying for them. Suggest to the villager that he should pay and Karen, Jeff's daughter, will appear and make sure that they do. This is the first time that you will meet Karen and it marks the beginning of a friendship between you two.

Strange Salesman
Year: 1
Season: Spring
Day: 3rd
Time: Any
Location: Your Farm

Description: On the 3rd day of Spring, in your first year, a strange person will wander onto your farm. His name is Won, and he sells unusual seeds which are not available at the Supermarket. After he leaves your farm, you can usually find him at the Inn during the day.

To finish the event, after speaking with Won, go to the Rose Square and talk to Harris the Policeman. When Harris leaves, Won will come to the Rose Square and you two will speak. Go to Gotz's house and speak with Harris again, and Won will eventually come in. You will all work things out.

Rick and Popuri
Year: 1
Season: Spring
Day: Any
Time: Any
Location: Poultry Farm

Description: While passing by the Poultry Farm, you might witness an argument between Rick and Popuri. Stop by and speak with Rick and he will tell you what started the argument: Popuri forgot to put the chickens away, and one of them died. Go to the Hot Springs and you will find Popuri. Speak to her and concole her on her loss.

Moondrop Seeds
Year: Any
Season: Spring
Day: 1st-20th
Time: Any
Location: Your Farm

Description: Sometime between the 1st and the 20th of Spring, Karen will give you a bag of Moondrop Seeds if she likes you. Plant the seeds and give her the flowers when they bloom.

Year: 1
Season: Spring
Day: First Visit to Yodel Farm
Time: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Location: Yodel Farm

Description: The first time you stop by Yodel Farm during the day, Barley Yodel will call you over and ask you if you could care for a Pony they have. Answer with a "Yes", and the pony will be yours. The next time you visit your farm, go into the Horse Stable and you will see it there. To increase your pony's affection towards you, brush it and talk to it every day, and don't forget to keep your horse inside the stable on rainy or snowy days. You can buy a Brush from the Blacksmith Shop for 800G. It takes one full year for the pony to become a mature horse.

Tea Party
Year: Any
Season: Spring
Day: Any
Time: 3-4 p.m.
Location: Harvest Sprites' Home

Description: The Harvest Sprites hold a Tea Party every day in the Spring. You may attend if you bring gifts for each of the seven Harvest Sprites. In return, they will give you some Relax Tea Leaves, which are worth 1,000G each. You must have an Upgraded Rucksack to take the seven gifts to them in one trip. The Tea Party can take place only on days when all of the seven Harvest Sprites are at home. (Warning: talk to one of the Sprites first before you start handing out your gifts).

Shall We Dance?
Year: 2
Season: Spring
Day: 1st
Time: Noon-3 p.m.
Location: Your Farm

Description: On the first day of Year 2, Karen will stop by your farm and ask you if you would like to practice dancing with her for the New Year's Festival later that day.

Practice dancing with Karen, and then ask her to dance with you when you arrive at the New Year's Festival.

Sunny Morning Nap
Year: Any
Season: Summer
Day: Sunny Day
Time: Any
Location: Halfway up Mother's Hill

Description: If you are married to Ann, and it is a sunny morning, you will spot her taking a nap halfway up Mother's Hill.

Birthday Party
Year: Any
Season: Summer
Day: 17th
Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Location: Inn

Description: If an invitation appears in your mailbox at the beginning of summer, you may attend Ann's birthday party. Take the invitation and go to Ann's House between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Don't forget to bring a wrapped present!

Watch the Fireworks
Year: 2
Season: Summer
Day: 23rd
Time: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Location: Mineral Beach

Description: In Year 2, talk to Kai the day before the Fireworks Festival, and ask him to watch the fireworks with you. This will improve your relationship with him.

Fight at the Inn
Year: 1
Season: Summer
Day: Any
Time: 5 p.m.-Midnight
Location: Inn

Description: Duke, Jeff, Rick, and Kai are involved in a fight. Duke argues that Kai comes to the village every summer to charm the ladies and the children, and accuses him of being deceptive. Duke will ask you what you think about it. You can answer that Kai is wrong, both guys are wrong, or you don't know and don't care. If you say Kai is wrong, no one is happy except Duke. If you say both are wrong or that you don't care, the others will be happy.

Corn for Kai
Year: Any
Season: Summer
Day: 15th-29th
Time: 6 a.m.-1 p.m.
Location: Your Farm

Description: Kai will stop by the farm and ask to buy Corn from you. Sell the Corn to Kai for 50G and his affection towards you will rise.

Year: Any
Season: Summer
Day: After a Hurricane
Time: Any
Location: Mineral Beach

Description: The day before a Hurricane, go to the Beach and go fishing. You should fish up a bottle. The day after the Hurricane, go to Kai and give him the bottle. He will ask if you plan on staying or leaving. Say that you plan on staying and he will give you some perfume.

Disagreeable Friends
Year: Any
Season: Summer
Day: Any day but Tuesdays/Sundays
Time: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Location: Poultry Farm

Description: If you are walking past or visiting the Poultry Farm, you may witness a minor disagreement between Kai, Popuri, and Rick. Kai has an unsettling effect on Rick, and Rick isn't shy about showing his feelings.

Harvesting Grapes
Year: 1
Season: Fall
Day: 14th
Time: Any
Location: Your Farm

Description: On the 14th day of Fall, in year 1, Duke from the Aja Winery will visit you and ask you if you can harvest some Grapes. If you say yes, you must show up at the Aja Winery around 11:30 a.m. every day and work until 5 p.m. every day for about a week. Do as many of your own chores as you can before you go to the winery. You should have some time to do some other chores when you return.

Duke will also ask you to find some additional help for him, so ask Cliff. If you don't, Cliff will leave the village.

Your goal is to pick 16 bunches of grapes every day. Don't worry about having your rucksack empty before you go to the Aja Winery, because Duke's Wife will hold your items for you. Take the Grapes to Duke at the end and he will tell you how many you have harvested. If you collect all 16 bunches by the end of the day, Duke will pay you well and Manna will be very happy.

Warning: Cliff will go to a spot in the Vineyard and never move. You must get to that spot before Cliff does, or you won't be able to harvest all 16 bunches.

Meeting Gray
Year: 1 or 2
Season: Fall
Day: 1st-27th
Time: When you wake up
Location: Your Farm

Description: During your second or first year on your farm, Gray may stop by. Gray is angry with his grandfather Saibara, and wants to work on his own. He will ask to use your Water Mill to make a Hammer. In return, he will weed your field once. After a few days, Gray will ask you to try the Hammer he's made, but when you do, it crumbles.

Mary will witness this event, which leads to another event in which Mary scolds Gray in the Rose Square. Later, Gray will thank you, improving your relationship with him.

Chicken Care
Year: Any
Season: Fall
Day: 14th-16th
Time: Any
Location: Your Farm

Description: If you have upgraded your Chicken Coop, but you still have only 5 chickens, Rick will come by and ask if you can care for five more. Never turn down a friend in need. If you help him, your friendship will improve, you will get a lot of Chicken Feed, and you can sell the Eggs his chickens lay while they are in your care.

End to Summer
Year: Any
Season: Fall
Day: 1st
Time: Any
Location: Your Farm

Description: In case you didn't know summer was over, Kai stops by to say good-bye.

Year: Any
Season: Fall
Day: 5th
Time: After 5 p.m.
Location: Mother's Hill Peak

Description: If you go to the Peak of Mother's Hill, you can see Doug thinking about his wife, who passed away. Ann will be at the Inn working hard to cover for her dad.

Stu's Cricket
Year: Any
Season: Fall
Day: Any
Time: Any
Location: Your Farm

Description: If you are married to Elli, Stu will stop by and give you a cricket.

White Flower
Year: Any
Season: Winter
Day: Any
Time: Any
Location: Mother's Hill

Description: If you visit Ellen in her home, she will tell you about a legendary White Flower that blooms on snowy days. She says it's good luck to see it. Visit the peak of Mother's Hill on a snowy day to see for yourself, then tell Ellen and Basil about it the next day.

Thoughts of Family
Year: Any
Season: Winter
Day: Snowy Day
Time: After 10 a.m.
Location: Rose Square

Description: If you arrive at the Rose Square after 10 a.m. on a snowy day, you will see Cliff collapse. Talk to him and you will pick up the photograph Cliff was looking at. When Cliff is taken to the hospital, the Doctor will care for him and ask everyone else to leave. The next time you see Cliff, be sure to return the photo back to him.

Flashing Object
Year: 4
Season: Winter
Day: Any
Time: After 5 p.m.
Location: Church

Description: If you stand in front of the Church after 5 p.m., on a sunny day in the fourth year, you will see a flashing object.

The Goddess
Year: Any
Season: Any
Day: Any Sunny Day you toss a Vegetable into the Lake
Time: 6 a.m.-9 p.m.
Location: Goddess Pond near Hot Springs

Description: If you throw items into the pond which you have harvested from your farm, the Goddess will show her face and thank you. Stand behind the waterfall to throw the items in, but don't throw in an item on Festival Days, Bad-Weather Days, or at night. The Goddess is picky about when she wants to accept your gifts.

After you give her five items, she will give you a Power Berry. After you give her five more items, she will ask if there is someone special in your life. Answer Yes. When you leave the Hot Springs, you will run into the girl who has the highest affection for you. For another 10 items, the Goddess will give you a piece of Lumber. If you give it to Gotz, he will pay you hansomely for it and you will become better friends.

Flowers Blooming
Year: Any
Season: Spring, Summer, or Fall
Day: Any
Time: Noon-3 p.m.
Location: Your Farm

Description: If you have more then 90 Flowers blooming on your farm, Ann comes to ask if she may pick some. Tell her to take as many as she would like and she will give you a Power Berry.

Fishing Pole
Year: Any
Season: Spring, Summer, or Fall
Day: Any
Time: Any
Location: Your Farm

Description: If you got the Fishing Rod from Greg in the spring, stock your Fish Pond. Once you have 50 or more fish in your pond, Greg will stop by and give you a Fishing Pole.

The Big Tree
Year: Any
Season: Any
Day: Any
Time: After 11 a.m.
Location: Halfway Up Mother's Hill

Description: A big tree stands in the clearing halfway up Mother's Hill. If you start to chop it down, the tree will ask you not to. If you relent, the tree will give you a Power Berry. If you try to cut it down another time, Gotz will be mad at you, and you will pass out and wake up at the Clinic. This will happen each time you try to cut it down..

Missing May
Year: 1 or 2
Season: Any-Except Spring
Day: 2nd-27th
Time: 6 a.m.-1 p.m.
Location: Your Farm

Description: Barley stops by the farm one day and asks for your help finding May. Go to the pier at 6 p.m. to find her.

Apple Pie
Year: 1-3
Season: Summer, Fall, or Winter
Day: 6th-27th
Time: 6 a.m.-Noon
Location: Your Farm

Description: If you are a friend of Mayor Thomas, he will come by your farm and ask you to take a piece of Apple Pie to Ellen. You must go to the Inn to get it. When you deliver the piece, Ellen offers you a tip. Decline her offer and Elli will show up with another piece of pie for her grandmother. Because Ellen already has a piece, Elli will give it to you instead. The next day, Mayor Thomas will come to your farm and give you a cake.

Honey Bees
Year: Any
Season: Spring, Summer, or Fall
Day: Any
Time: 6 a.m.-Noon
Location: Your Farm

Description: If you have flowers on your farm, Bees will make a hive in the Apple Tree, and then you can get Honey every day. If you give a jar of Honey to Louis, its selling price will go up from 50G to 60G.

Year: Any
Season: Spring, Summer, or Fall
Day: Any
Time: 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Mother's Hill Lake

Description: If you throw three Cucumbers into the lake at the base of Mother's Hill, Kappa will give you a Mystic Berry. You must stand in front of the two trees on the left side of the lake to make this happen.

Possessing the Mystic Berry slows your accumulation of Fatigue by 50 percent. When you eat it, it reduces your Fatigue by 1 point.

The New Puppy
Year: Any
Season: Spring or Summer
Day: Any
Time: 6 a.m.-1 p.m.
Location: Your Farm

Description: If you are friends with Barley Yodel, and if your dog has high affection towards you, one day Barley may stop by your farm and ask if he can borrow your dog for a little while. His dog Hana is lonely, and Barley would like your dog to keep her company.

Let Barley borrow your pooch and before long, puppies will be born. Because Barley and May can't take care of both puppies, Barley will ask you to find one a new home. When you speak to either Stu or Harris, they will ask you if they can have the puppy.
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